Measuring instruments for agriculture Kestrel Kestrel 5400 LiNK et al.

Meters for agriculture are specially designed to quickly and accurately measure critical weather conditions that can cause serious and life-threatening injuries from heat stress in pets and livestock. When working in high temperature conditions, the correct measurement of conditions is crucial - thermal stress meters measure the thermal load limit (TWL) and the wet ball temperature (WBGT), which is the ambient temperature without the influence of air temperature, wind and solar insulation.
Models: Kestrel 5400 LiNK, Kestrel 5000AG, Kestrel 5500AG.
- Измеритель окружающей среды для домашнего скота Kestrel 5000AG. Технические характеристики.
- Устройство для отслеживания теплового стресса крупного рогатого скота с креплением Kestrel 5400 LiNK. Технические характеристики.
- Сельскохозяйственный метеомер Kestrel 5500AG. Технические характеристики.
- Сельскохозяйственные счетчики. Сравнительная таблица (eng).
- Счетчики теплового стресса. Сравнительная таблица (eng).
All Kestrel products
About Kestrel
The equipment is used in various professional conditions. Firefighters, rescue service dispatchers, small aircraft pilots, hunters, yachtsmen, etc. have Kestrel weather meters at hand. -
Experts and engineers design the most reliable portable meteorological devices, search for ways to improve the line and create new products. -
Each Kestrel device undergoes rigorous functional and leakproofness tests before being shipped from the factory, as well as calibration in accordance with NIST standards.
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